

零售价3010元, 建议价2599元


如果音乐家不能清楚地听到他们想要什么,他们的表演和态度就会受到影响。HP60 耳机分配系统提供多达 6 个耳机放大器,可以解决许多常见的耳机监控问题并提供音乐家会喜欢的耳机混音。


“把我的耳机音量调大!”、“还有我,我听不见自己的声音!”、“关掉那声滴答声!”如果音乐家不能清楚地听到他们想要什么,他们的表演和态度就会受到影响。有了 PreSonus® HP60 耳机分配系统,您可以很容易地解决这些问题,并提供音乐家会喜欢的耳机混音。这是因为 HP60 的耳机放大器超过 6 个;这是一个经过实地测试、易于使用的解决方案,可以解决许多常见的耳机监控问题。

They'll love your headphone mixes.

Each of the HP60's six headphone amps has its own level control and is loud enough to drive the alligators out of the Louisiana swamps. And the HP60 lets you customize each mix. In addition to the two pairs of main stereo inputs, you get an external stereo input with level control, mono, and mute for each headphone channel. So you can send each musician a feed of just their instrument or voice and can control the level separately for each.

Controlled click.

The HP60 features two sets of line-level, stereo inputs that are routed to all six headphones and a Mix control that sets relative levels for each headphone output. So you can feed the main control-room mix to channel A, feed the click signal to channel B, and use the Mix controls to individually raise or lower the click relative to the main mix for each musician.

Take command.

With the HP60, when you talk, everyone listens. Hit the Talk button and use the talkback-mic input and your favorite dynamic mic to tell 'em what to do. You can even use a footswitch to control the talkback hands-free. Need more than six headphones? Connect two HP60s for a 12-headphone system or connect the HP60 to a PreSonus HP4 to feed 10 pairs of headphones.



  • 六个超级大功率(每通道150mW)的耳机放大器,每一个拥有:

  • 耳机电平控制

  • 两个立体声输入通道(A和B)

  • 对讲麦克风输入包括:

  • 麦克风电平控制

  • 对讲按钮(瞬间开关)

  • 专为解放双手设计的脚踏对讲开关插口

输入/ 输出

  • 四个平衡1/4"模拟线路输入(A、B两对混合输入左/右)

  • “more me”(给我多来点音量)六个立体声1/4"外部模拟线路输入(每个通道一个),带有微调控制

  • 六个立体声1/4"耳机输出(前面板)

  • 六个立体声1/4 "线路输出(每个通道一个);拷贝通道混音输出

  • 一个外部动圈对讲麦克风的平衡卡农口输入

  • 一个1/4 "的专为解放双手设计的脚踏对讲开关插口


  • 1U19"机架,坚固的钢制底盘

  • 内部供电,标准IEC接口



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